报告题目Theme:The Variation in Firm Performance Across Countries
报 告 人Reporter:陈文娟教授 Prof. Christine Chan
讲座语言Language:中文 Chinese
讲座时间Time:2019.5.30(Thursday)09:00 am-11:00 am
主 持 人Host:张莹副教授 Associate Professor Ying Zhang
The present study examines the association between the age structure of firms in countries/ regions and the growth of the economy. We argue that a balanced mix of new ventures and established firms create an additional contribution to the economic growth. The results suggest that age structures of firms are significantly associated with the rate of economic growth in economies. Specifically, the results suggest that new ventures are the driving force of economic growth.
报告人简介Introduction of Reporter:
陈文娟教授,现任香港大学经济与工商英国正版365官方网站副院长,是管理与商业战略领域权威专家。她主要研究方向包括海外市场进入决策, 进入模式选择, 国际合资企业, 跨国企业绩效等。陈文娟教授在Strategic Management Journal、Journal of International Business Studies等管理学和国际商务顶级期刊上发表多篇论文。陈文娟教授受邀在国际顶级学术会议Academy of Management Conference, Academy of International Business Conference, Asia Academy of Management Conference等发表主旨演讲,多次获得管理学最佳论文奖。