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[学术报告]When and why will you bite the hands that feed you? Consequences of "too much of good behaviors"

作者: 日期:2019年04月20日 19:18 来源: 关注:

报告题目Theme      好心不得好报:过分热心的不良后果

    When and why will you bite the hands that feed you? 

    Consequences of "too much of good behaviors"

Reporter:      黄旭教授 Prof. Xu Huang

讲座语言Language:   中文 Chinese

讲座时间Time         2019.4.24Wednesday09:30 am

讲座地点Location  英国正版365官方网站(长安校区)210报告厅

                                  Room 210, School of Management (Chang’an Campus), NPU

Host:            张莹副教授 Associate Professor Ying Zhang


Research in the last three decades has demonstrated the important role of extra-role work behaviors in enhancing the functioning of organizations. Recent theoretical development of the notion of "too much of good things", however, suggests that too much good organizational behavior may backfire. In this seminar, I will present three papers I developed with my colleagues, which offer a more nuanced understanding of when and why some seemingly altruistic and beneficial behaviors will be met with resistance and hostility from colleagues and managers. In Paper 1, we theorized and empirically tested the idea that individuals may compete to exhibit generosity toward their coworkers, which in turn may undermine their interpersonal interactions. In Paper 2, we attempted to predict and explain why managers may encourage employees' voice behavior but at the same time penalize too frequent voice behaviors that clearly benefit the organizational functioning. I will share with the audience how we came up with these research ideas, how we developed the projects, and how we convinced journal reviewers that the novel ideas proposed in these studies can advance knowledge. In Paper 3, we built on the notion of "overhelp" to explain why individuals may become unappreciated toward the help received from others, and may even retaliate help givers. Specifically, we showed that this will happen when individuals believe the received help is unnecessary and has the potential to spoil their own reputation for excellence; that is the received help is an "overhelp".

报告人简介Introduction of Reporter

黄旭教授,博士毕业于格罗宁根大学,现任香港浸会大学工商英国正版365官方网站副院长及管理系系主任,是组织行为学和人力资源管理领域著名的华人学者。黄旭教授的研究领域包括领导力、员工幸福感与情绪、跨文化组织心理以及中国组织中的管理问题。他担任Management and Organization Review副主编,Asia Pacific Journal of Management高级主编以及Academy of Management JournalHuman RelationsJournal of Organizational Behavior等国际期刊的编委。黄旭教授在国际知名期刊上发表论文70余篇,这些期刊包括Academy of Management JournalJournal of Applied PsychologyJournal of ManagementJournal of Organizational Behavior等国际顶级期刊。


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