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[系列讲座]Research Design and How to Write a Research Paper

作者: 日期:2019年03月11日 14:31 来源: 关注:

Topic:   Research Design and How to Write a Research Paper

Time:    3.19- 3.22 每天 Everyday 830am-12:00am;  2:00pm-5:00pm

Location:  英国正版365官方网站214报告厅(长安校区)School of Management, Room 214(Chang’an Campus)

报告人Speaker: 曹光明 副教授 Guangming Cao Associate Professor

主持人Host    田庆峰 副教授 Qingfeng Tian Associate Professor


The sessions will be interactive, mixing lectures, discussions and workshops, run from 19th to 22nd March 2019 to cover the following topics by blending theoretical considerations and practical suggestions/exercises to develop your ability to conduct research and to publish referred journal articles.


19th March

How to choose a research topic (lecture and workshop)

Key elements of an abstract (lecture and workshop)

The morning session will focus on developing an understanding of how to choose a research topic in terms of its significance, novelty, curiosity, scope and action ability. You will be expected to apply what has been discussed in class to develop a research topic based on an incomplete paper submitted to Industrial Marketing Management (IMM) (ABS3).

The afternoon session will discuss: What is an abstract? Why is it important? What should be included in an abstract? And the structured abstract. Then you will be expected to write an abstract based on the IMM paper.

20th March

How to write an introduction (lecture and workshop)

Formulating a research question (lecture and workshop)

The morning session will focus on developing an understanding of an introduction, its importance, and its key elements. You will be expected to apply what has been discussed in class to critically analyse the Introduction section of the IMM paper.

The afternoon session will discuss how to formulate a research question and you will be expected to develop research questions for the incomplete IMM paper.  Additionally, this session will discuss the selection and development of a methodology consistent with the research question.

21st March

Grounding hypotheses (lecture and workshop)

Discussing the implication of your research (lecture and workshop)

The morning session will include developing a theoretical framework/hypotheses that will be underpinned by relevant theories and concepts, and any relevant philosophical foundations or concepts, which is coherent and appropriate to the research question. You will be expected to apply what has been discussed in class to develop a few hypotheses based on the incomplete IMM paper.

The afternoon session will discuss how to develop the discussion section of a research paper. Again, you will be expected to develop the relevant section of the incomplete IMM paper.

22nd March

By now, you should have developed an understanding of research design in general and how to write a research paper in particular. Thus, it is time for you to apply the knowledge and understanding of research design to critically review articles submitted to journals (ABS2 &3). Two real papers will be used for this purpose.I will demonstrate how to criticise the first one with you and you will be expected to review the second article yourself. This exercise will help you to develop your own understanding and academic skill to conduct research, to write a research paper, and/or to review articles for referred journals or conferences.

Reviewing a paper submitted to Information Technology & People (ABS3)

Reviewing a paper submitted to International Journal of Information Management (ABS2)

报告人简介 About the Speaker

Guangming Cao, PhD, previously worked at the Northwestern Polytechnical University (英国正版365官方网站) in China, Lancaster University, Manchester Business School, University of Luton, and University of Ulster in UK. He is currently a Principal Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the University of Bedfordshire in UK. His key research interests include big data and business/marketing analytics, IT business value, strategic IT alignment, systems thinking, and supply chain management. He has published articles in journals such as

· European Journal of Operational Research,

· Industrial Marketing Management,

· IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,

· Information Technology & People,

· International Journal of Management Review,

· Supply Chain Management, and

· Production Planning & Control.

He has been a reviewer for refereed journals including:

· MIS Quarterly

· European Journal of Operational Research

· International Journal of Operations and Production Management

· Industrial Marketing Management

· European Journal of Information Systems

· Production Planning & Control

· Information & Management

· Information Technology & People…

欢迎师生积极踊跃报名参加!Welcome to sign up and join the sessions!

报名联系 人Contact Person: 苗朵朵 Duoduo Miao

联 系 电 话Contact Phone18740443829

联 系 邮 箱 Contact E-mail: miululu95@163.com


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