报告题目:Cooperative Games and Profit/Cost Allocation in Collaborative Logistics
报 告 人:陈浩勋 教授
主 持 人:张静文 教授
报告简介:Game theory has wide applications in a variety of fields of social, economic, and management science. In this lecture, game theory especially cooperative games theory and its application to profit/cost allocation in collaborative logistics will be presented. Firstly, some key concepts such as Nash equilibrium for non-cooperative games, the core and the Shapley value for cooperative games will be introduced. Secondly, a payoff allocation method based on cross-evaluation of the contribution of each player to the grand coalition and a core extension based on undominated nonnegative excesses of all possible coalitions in a game, recently proposed by us, will be described. Thirdly, the application of these methods to profit/cost allocation in collaborative logistics especially vehicle routing games will be reported. This lecture will end with a discussion with the audience on the application of game theory to their studied problems.
报告人简介:陈浩勋教授是法国Troyes工程技术大学终身教授,主要从事供应链管理、生产运作及物流优化领域的研究,在IEEE Tran.、EJOR、IJPR 等杂志上发表学术论文140余篇,长期担任Journal of Industrial Engineering的主编、International Journal of Advances in Management Science等国际期刊的主编或副主编。曾主持国家“863”项目2项,获中国国家自然科学二等奖1项,中国教育部自然科学一等奖1项,并多次获得国际会议最佳论文奖。自2004年起被聘为法国特鲁瓦工程技术大学终身教授,同时也是法国国家包装和物流研究中心理事会委员,负责多项欧共体及法国供应链管理与逻辑决策领域项目。