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[学术报告]When to Offer Upgrades?

作者: 日期:2018年10月08日 15:11 来源: 关注:

报告题目:When to Offer Upgrades?

人:王宇 助理教授




人:李乘龙 副教授

报告简介:In this paper, we build a capacity and revenue management model from a consulting project. We consider a firm that sells multiple product models corresponding to multipleclasses of demand (customers). Each class of customers requests for one particular productmodel, and the firm can offer customers free upgrades to more expensive models when there isinsufficient stock of the preferred ones. However, customers may not accept the upgrades due totheir preferences on their desired models. Customers arrive over time. The firm needs to decidewhether or not to offer upgrades upon the arrival of each individual customer. We formulate theproblem using a Markov decision process model and prove that the optimal profit function isanti-multimodular. Based on this property, we prove that the structure of the optimal upgradepolicy can be described by dynamic thresholds that depend on the inventory levels of all products. Importantly, we show that, with the possibility that customers would reject upgrades, itis optimal to offer upgrades before the stockout of the desired models. Offering upgrades onlyafter stockout could lead to significant profit loss.

报告人简介:王宇,新加坡管理大学运营管理系助理教授,2008年于香港科技大学电气工程专业获得学士学位,2010年和2014年于美国明尼苏达大学工业及系统工程专业获得硕士学位和博士学位。2014年至今在新加坡管理大学工作,负责中国地区运营管理博士项目的招生工作,其研究方向为供应链管理、制造和服务运营、排队论等。已在Manufacturing & Service Operations Management等国际TOP期刊发表多篇论文。


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