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Seru Production System: An Organizational Extension of JIT for Future Smart Systems

作者: 日期:2018年04月13日 15:40 来源: 关注:

报告题目(一):Seru Production System: An Organizational Extension of JIT for Future Smart Systems

人:Kathryn E. Stecke教授美国得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校




报告摘要:A seru system is a new type of production system, widely used in Japan but unknown outside of Asia. Developed by Sony, it is used in all of Canon’s factories. It is more flexible, efficient, and productive than conventional manufacturing systems, for the industries in which it is appropriate. Seru’s history, development, and benefits will be described and discussed. The impressive responsiveness of a seru production system make it a useful enabler of future smart systems.

报告人简介:Kathryn E Stecke,女,美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校商学院Ashbel Smith讲席教授,主要研究方向为生产与运作管理。Stecke教授1981年获普渡大学博士学位。Stecke教授在管理领域顶尖学术期刊发表了大量有影响的论文。2004年2月,国际运筹学与管理学研究协会(INFORMS)统计出了《Management Science》创刊50年来刊载的、被引用次数超过50次的论文475篇,其中Stecke教授的3篇论文位列其中,INFORMS又从中评选出最有影响的50篇,Stecke教授的1篇论文入选。Stecke教授(曾)担任多个国际学术期刊的主编、副主编、编委,多次担任国际学术会议的程序委员会主席、联合主席和大会总主席。Stecke教授是INFORMS、生产和经营管理学会(POMS)的fellow,也是决策科学研究所、国际制造工程协会和其他多家学术机构的高级会员。2013年12月,被聘为英国正版365官方网站客座教授。

报告题目(二):Lessons from seru production on manufacturing competitively in a high cost environment

人:Yong Yin教授日本同志社大学




报告摘要:Seru evolved as an alternative to lean systems approaches, manifesting important differentiated system design choices that appear to offer promise for manufacturing in dynamic, high-cost markets. This lecture reports the results of in-depth, longitudinal case studies of two electronics giants who have implemented seru. The case studies describe seru's fundamental extensions to, and departures from, lean production, agile production, and group technology-based cellular manufacturing. We explain how Sony and Canon have applied seru to improve productivity, quality, and flexibility in ways that have enabled them to remain competitive. In addition, our findings elaborate the theory of swift, even flow, with implications for future research of trade-offs related to production efficiency, responsiveness, and competitiveness in high-cost, technologically dynamic markets.

报告人简介:Yong Yin,男,日本同志社大学商学院专攻长、教授,可持续项目负责人,主要研究方向为Seru生产、可持续制造。Yin教授2002年获日本东北大学博士学位。Yin教授是Seru生产研究领域的国际顶级学者,该先进生产方式被大量企业誉为“双E(Economy and Environment)”生产方式,被认为是实现可持续制造的重要手段。殷勇教授在《Journal of Operations Management》等国际学术期刊发表论文30余篇,出版英文专著1部,获国际学术奖励4次。Yin教授曾担任在日华人管理学会会长、亚洲管理科学与应用协会(Asian Association of Management Science and Applications)主席、全日本华侨华人联合会理事等职务,现任《Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications》主编、《Operations Management Education Review》高级编委、《Journal of Japanese Operations Management and Strategy》副主编。2013年12月,被聘为英国正版365官方网站客座教授。


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