2018年3月15、16日Bhumika Gupta教授报告会通知
报告题目一:What Is Design Thinking and Why Is It Important?
主持人:许燕 副教授
Design thinking is generally defined as an analytic and creative process thatengages a person in opportunities to experiment, create and prototype models,gather feedback, and redesign.Several characteristics (e.g., visualization,creativity) that a good design thinker should possess have been identified fromthe literature. The primary purpose of the speakeris to summarize and synthesizethe research on design thinking to (a) better understand its characteristics andprocesses, as well as the differences between novice and expert design thinkers,and (b) apply the findings from the literature regarding the application of designthinking to our educational system. The speaker’s overarching goal is to identifythe features and characteristics of design thinking and discuss its importance inpromoting students’ problem-solving skills in the 21st century.
报告题目二:Change Management for Survival: A must forOrganizations’
主持人:许燕 副教授
While most organizations focus ondeciding what to change to improve company performance and quality, the human element ofexecuting these decisions is often left unattended. To successfully implement major change,companies must find the connection between the organization, the worker, and the changeinitiatives being introduced.Change management means empowering organizations and individuals for taking over theirresponsibility for their own future. The speaker will describe the Challenges of Change faced bytoday’s managers and how to cope with these challenges and lead the organization. Change is uncomfortable, and adapting to change is messy. But change is vital - it defines lifeitself. The key is to learn how to embrace the changes that face us both professionally andpersonally.How canwe as individuals, as well as organizations, prepare ourselves for an uncertain future?